

Neubaufra is a geometric modernist type family. Originally released in 2012 as Baufra, Neubaufra is a considerate restoration of the original work. Inspired by the early 20th century designs, Neubaufra gives special kudos to the Bauhaus influence. Complete with 8 weights + Italics, new design retained its prime modernist characteristics with the improvement to the legibility for text and web use. Extended language support includes Latin and Cyrillic.

Format: OTF.
License: Desktop License (1 User).
Styles: Thin, Thin Italic, Light, Light Italic, Regular, Italic, Medium, Medium Italic, SemiBold, SemiBold Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, ExtraBold, ExtraBold Italic, Black, Black Italic.

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If you are looking to acquire a single font style, custom licence or desktop licence for multiple users, web, application, social media, logotype, video licence etc., please email
